Choose the type of appointment you need:
After making an appointment, you will receive an email with a Zoom Link. This link will connect you to your counseling session. You do not need a Zoom account to access your counseling session. You can attend your online zoom appointment on your mobile device/cell phone.
Questions and Assistance
Contact Counseling Services at or leave a voicemail at (951) 571-6139 if you have any questions and someone will respond within 24-48 hours.
Additional Information
To schedule an appointment online through ESARS you will need your Student ID number and your date of birth. You will not be able to schedule an appointment online with MVC ESARS if:
- You are a first-time college student and have not completed Orientation, Assessment, and First Semester Ed Plan
- Your home college is not Moreno Valley College
- You have not applied
- There are no available appointments within the next seven days.
Moreno Valley, Norco, and Riverside City are independent colleges. The scheduling of counseling appointments must be made at the college you determined as your home college at the time you applied to the college. If you are seeking a counseling appointment, you will only be able to schedule an appointment with a counselor at your designated home college.
Don't know your Student ID number? You can visit the WebAdvisor welcome page and click, "Learn your WebAdvisor Username and Password." Your WebAdvisor username is your Student ID.
Important note about your Home College:
Students must receive their student services at their self-chosen home college. You chose a home college when you submitted your online admissions application. If you don't know your home college, you can find it by logging into WebAdvisor and clicking "Update Program of Study." Students wanting to change home colleges must go to Admissions & Records with photo ID.